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Custom primitive widgets

Let's define custom primitive widgets.

Possible widgets​

(see PrimitiveWidgets)

type customWidgets = {
boolWidget: option<module(Widget with type t = bool)>,
floatWidget: option<module(Widget with type t = float)>,
intWidget: option<module(Widget with type t = int)>,
stringWidget: option<module(Widget with type t = string)>,

And Widget

Create a register form​

Let's create a new shape. Registration form

module RegisterFormSchema = %schema(
type formData = {
phone: string,
age: int,
name: string,
password: string,
confirmPassword: string
open RegisterFormSchema

let formData = {
phone: "",
age: 0,
name: "",
password: "",
confirmPassword: "",

let make = () => {
let (state, setState) = React.useState(_ => formData)

let onChange = v => {
setState(_ => v)
<FormRender uiSchema formData=state schema onChange />

Create String widget​

Now we want to define a widget for all fields with type String

module AllStringTypeWidget = {
type t = string

let make = (~value: t, ~onChange: t => unit) => {
let onChange = React.useCallback1(
e =>["value"] |> onChange,
//You can implement what you want
<input type_="text" placeholder="Empty String Widget" value onChange />
let () = React.setDisplayName(make, "AllStringTypeWidget")

(see PrimitiveWidgets)

And create preset

let customPrimitives: PrimitiveWidget.customWidgets = { // or open PrimitiveWidget
stringWidget: Some(module(AllStringTypeWidget)), // < ----- Our widget
intWidget: None, // < ----- Implement if you need
floatWidget: None, // < ----- Implement if you need
boolWidget: None, // < ----- Implement if you need

And pass it into props

<FormRender uiSchema formData=state schema onChange customPrimitives />

Open your browser and enjoy the special placeholder for text fields