Custom FieldTemplate
We already know how to define custom widgets But what about the label and the place for the error output? How is our field?
Yes it's time to FieldTemplate
We need to implement this module type
module type FieldTemplate = {
let make: (~value: 't, ~onChange: 't => unit, ~children: React.element, ~meta: 'm) => React.element
~children: React.element
it's our Widget
Let's add labels to our fields. To do this, you need to create your own custom type.
Let's declare it above all the code
type meta = {title: string}
Now let's implement FieldTemplate component
module CustomFieldTemplate = {
type m = meta
let make = (~value as _, ~onChange as _, ~children: React.element, ~meta) =>
<label> {Belt_Option.getWithDefault(meta, {title: ""}).title |> React.string} </label>
where ~meta it's our {title: string}
Now we need to pass the schema type and add a title to our fields
module RegisterFormSchema = %schema(
type sc_meta_data = meta
type formData = {
@sc_meta({title: "Phone"})
phone: string,
@sc_meta({title: "Age"})
age: int,
@sc_meta({title: "Name"})
name: string,
@sc_meta({title: "Password"})
@sc_widget(module(PasswordWidget: Widgets.Widget with type t = string))
password: string,
@sc_meta({title: "Confrim password"})
@sc_widget(module(PasswordWidget: Widgets.Widget with type t = string))
confirmPassword: string,
sc_meta_data - here you need to pass the type of the meta
@sc_meta(..) - pass here value of meta type
And finally pass our CustomFieldTemplate to props